
Problems do happen. The key point is how quickly they are solved.

Integral Systems develops its IT solutions with taking into account possible failures. Our specialists increase fault tolerance of the whole critical infrastructure of the solution with the help of:

  • fault-tolerant clusters
  • RAID arrays
  • maintenance of backup
  • key system nodes replication

Despite all applied measures it is not a secret that failures can occur in any system.

For developers of software and IT solutions the quality and level of service are determined not by number of occurring problems but rather by speed of their solving.

Online support

Integral Systems provides high level of service with the help of prompt and proficient support.

Our clients have an opportunity to receive online support through electronic application submitting system Help Desk. Electronic application submitting system allows to quickly process received applications and to track response time of our specialists. If you use the electronic system we know exactly how much time has passed after your request and which specialist is in charge of solving your problem so we are be able to monitor timely answer preparation.

Submit application to Help Desk

Support subscription packages

Providing quality support in languages convenient for our clients and within the shortest possible time is one of the main priority of Integral Systems. To satisfy the needs of customers to the uttermost Integral Systems developed support packages that differ from each other in speed of response and correction of non-routine situations, way of communication and cost. At present moment we offer three levels of subscription:

Level 1 provides for physical presence of our engineer at your facility what helps to solve occurring problems in the fastest and the most efficient way. Level 1 subscription is recommended for large airports.

Level 2 provides for 24/7 support via phone and HelpDesk. Level 2 subscription is recommended for large and medium airports.

Level 3 provides for remote support maintained via electronic application submitting system Help Desk. Level 3 subscription is recommended for medium and small airports.

Comparison of support packages

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Regular software updates Yes Yes Yes
Personal presence of engineer at the facility Yes No No
Time to ask for support 24/7 24/7 24/7
Way to ask for support In person/By phone By phone/HelpDesk HelpDesk
Application processing time < 2 hours < 4 hours < 24 hours
Cost High Average Low

Regular updates of software packages

Each subscription package includes regular software updates and error correction. As soon as an error occurs in the system of one of our clients it is corrected at once in the systems of all our clients.